Dental Emergency Oslo

En akutt-undersøkelse varer i ca. 30 min. og har til hensikt å:
- Sikre nødvendig *smertelindring.
- Gi deg et raskt svar på hva slags behandlingsbehov du har.
- Gi deg et kostnadsoverslag for behandling av selve problemstillingen.
Hos oss er du garantert time på dagen når et akutt behov har oppstått. En akutt undersøkelse har først og fremst til oppgave å sikre at smerter lindres, samt å gi tannlegen innsikt i hva slags problemstilling du står ovenfor.
Når dette er avklart vil du få et kostnadoverslag for videre behandling. I enkelte akutt-situasjoner vil tannlegen kunne gjøre en enkel utbedring der og da, for andre situasjoner vil det kreves mer tid og/eller spesialisthjelp for den oppfølgende behandlingen. Du får da forslag til ny time for å gjennomføre behandlingen.
*Ved omfattende smertelindrende behandling tilkommer det en ekstra kostnad avhengig av behandlingstype.

Get an emergency appointment already today!
We have long opening hours and are open on Saturdays to ensure that you have access to emergency services when you need us, day as well as evening.
Toothache is one of the worst pain you can experience. Therefore Dental Emergency Oslo wants to help you with your toothache as soon as possible. A loose crown or filling, a cracked or chipped tooth must usually be treated the same day. We guarantee you an appointment today, if you have acute ailments.
We at Dental Emergency Oslo are proud to help patients with acute dental problem and dental fear. We listen to you and your needs and perform painless and comfortable treatment.
Our dentists have extensive experience from emergency dental treatment and will gladly help you who have acute problems.

Get rid of your toothache today!
After your emergency dental treatment you usually need further treatment. By visiting Dental Emergency Oslo you have the opportunity to get a free and noncommittal therapy discussion about different treatment options and a cost estimate. If you wish to continue treatment with us, you’ll get a new appointment in connection with your emergency visit. We offer you a quick and comfortable treatment. We appreciate being able to help you prevent dental problems by informing you well about good dental health routines. In addition, we recommend all our patients to come regularly for check-ups and preventive treatment. If you prevent problems, you also pain, discomfort and dental emergencies.
Dental Emergency Oslo has two offices. The city center office is located on the fourth floor of Galleri Oslo, near Oslo bus terminal. The other office is located in central Oslo at Torshov, between main road 2 and main road 3. See the map here on the website for exact addresses. Both offices have access to car parking and connection by bus, tram or subway in the immediate vicinity. At the bottom of the page there are details on how to get to our clinics. There is also an interactive Ruter application where you enter your current address to easily find the most convenient way to us. You can use our contact form, but for urgent need, please call 22 37 66 31 now for an emergency dentist appointment today.