Bestill akutt time i dag!Finn og bestill ledig time
en no sv

En akutt-undersøkelse varer i ca. 30 min. Du får:

  • Diagnostikk og et raskt svar på hva slags behandlingsbehov du har.
  • Smertelindring.
  • Et kostnadsoverslag for nødvendig behandling samt en behandlingsplan.
Se alle ledige timer
Finner du ikke et passende tidspunkt, kan vi alltid hjelpe dersom du ringer oss på 22 37 66 31. Har du akutte behov garanterer vi deg time på dagen. Vi har også drop-in.
Populære søk
Komplett undersøkelse
Komplett undersøkelse
40 min
kr690 (kr 990)
Akutt undersøkelse
Akutt undersøkelse
30 min
kr 690


We put great emphasis on quality and service. We take the time you need, listen to you and your needs.

Dental treatment in Oslo.

We discuss all treatment-options and you’ll decide what’s best for you.

We’ll discuss all possible treatment-options and you’ll decide what’s best for you.

We daily treat patients with dental anxiety and perform all kind of dental treatments; for examlpe dental surgery, implant treatment, crowns, bridges and veneers,  TMD splint, anti-snoring splint, mouth guard, teeth whitening, invisible braces, root canals, dental hygiene, white fillings and simple and thorough cleaning. We also offer emergency treatments the same day. See our page in Norwegian for further explanation and pictures of our different treatments.

Call 22 37 66 31 for more information or click here to make an appointment.


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